Find Your Devine Feminine Energy To Empower Yourself

inner bloom course

Since I started building an online business there’s been times that it felt like I always had to be on, learning and producing content to drive traffic to my business.

When using social media, algorithms are always changing and it can feel like an endless hamster wheel to keep up with.

One thing I’ve learnt is how important it is to look after ourselves. It can be easy to get burnt out when striving for a goal.

Being self aware of how I was feeling when doing things that I felt weren’t helping me towards my goals was the first step to learning how to work towards a happier future.

If you’ve been looking for ways to improve your life as a women, whether it’s having more confidence, being more aware of how you are feeling. There is an academy created by women for women called Inner Bloom.

It covers various ways in which a woman can improve her mental well-being, you can learn how to run a business but with a support system to help reduce the chance of having burnout.

The course outline is this:

B = Believe in yourself

L = Love yourself

O = Overcome the pain from the past, your doubts, insecurities and limiting beliefs

O = Own your authenticity (who you really are, not who society or others want you to be)

M = Manifest a life you love

The course has various modules about meditation, manifestation, yoga, understanding ourselves more as women and much more.

Their manifesto is this:

🌹Be Authentic: A woman in Bloom remains true to herself. In a world that often demands conformity, she doesn't just exist, she stands out because she is unapologetically herself. She understands that her authenticity is her superpower. She gifts the world her genuine essence without hesitation.

🌹Live with Integrity: She is devoted to what sets her soul on fire. Driven by passion, she understands that purpose is the compass that guides her journey. Her dream life is not dictated by societal norms, but by the flames of her heart's deepest desires.

🌹Overcome Limitations: She believes in the strength and wisdom that reside within her. She understands that setbacks are merely setups for grander comebacks. With every challenge, she evolves and her resilience intensifies, allowing her to ignore the dream crushers that exist outside of her and inside of her head. 

🌹Operates from Love: She knows her worth and isn’t afraid to set boundaries. Her self love isn't selfish; it spreads like wildfire. She lifts others as she rises, understanding that true success is in the joy and growth of the comm-UNITY. She mentors, supports, and champions others, especially fellow women, knowing that one woman's success can inspire a generation.

🌹Manifests her desires using the power of her Imagination: The woman in Bloom doesn’t just live for today. She thinks about the mark she will leave on the world. Every action, no matter how small, is a step towards creating a legacy that will inspire and uplift others for generations to come.

Some thing I’ve found really interesting when building an online business is how many elements there are to building an online business, like finding your niche, defining your target audience, what platform to post your content on, what products or services you want to offer.

After doing many courses it can be hard to find one that covers all the elements you need to know. Something I’ve found very important is keeping a balance between building a business and having a personal life. This is where Inner Bloom can be a great resource when building an online business.

It has information on how to start a business but also how to keep stress levels down while building a business that aligns with who you are as a person.

I have been able to start a few modules but there is a lot of information in there, plus it’s a personal journey so for me I am watching or listening to a module then taking time to reflect on it.

So far I’m really enjoying the Heal Your Fear of Being Seen Masterclass. What I’m finding is the women in the course are super relaxing to listen to and they are super encouraging.

The community within Inner Bloom is very active, there are support channels in each of the module sections, for example one in the business section, one in the mental wellbeing, one in the empowerment bundle and so forth.

As I go through more I will write more articles about my experience. If you want to explore more of what is in the course you can learn more by clicking below.

inner bloom course

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